Saskatoon fire fighters dealt with their third fire in three days Saturday morning. Dispatchers received a call at approximately 4:30 a.m. from a woman at 242 Needham Crescent about a fire in the basement of her home.

According to the fire department, the woman’s 12-year-old son was the first to notice the fire. He was in the basement, and woke up his parents when he discovered the blaze.

While crews were en route they were informed that everyone had evacuated the home safely, except the two family dogs. Crews arrived on the scene within three minutes, and immediately took hoses inside the house to attack the fire from within. The fire was in the furnace room and was quickly brought under control.

One dog found its way out of the house on its own, and firefighters found the other. Both pets were fine.

While the fire wasn’t deemed suspicious, a fire investigator was on the scene to try and determine the cause. Damages are estimated at $60,000.