After four long months, the family of Rob Vicente was finally able to lay him to rest.

It's been an emotional rollercoaster for the family and friends of 25-year-old Rob Vicente. Today a feeling of peace and closure swept over Davidson as loved ones said their last good byes.

Brandy Olson, Vicente's friend, was at the funeral to say her goodbyes. "Rob was a great guy, he was really outgoing, and everyone was friends with him - he was just a lovable guy, and a great great person."

The streets were lined with cars while hundreds of people filled two churches and a school gymnasium to pay their respects. The service screened via video.

Stories were shared and tears shed as Pam Vicente took to the microphone. She spoke about Rob's childhood - biking and swimming with his brothers, watching the Riders, a recent trip to Europe and his supportive nature. In the speech, Pam said she will miss his stories, beautiful smile, and the laughter he brought to her life.

His sense of humor and ability to make others laugh may just have been Rob's most notorious trait.

Mitch Fiissel, a family friend, knew Vicente for years. "Rob would come over, and you knew as soon as he came it was going to be a good time. Just every word that came out of his mouth was something silly or something funny."

A large portion of those who attended the funeral donned yellow ribbons. Symbols of support for Rob when he first went missing, and now a call for justice.

"If you go around town here, you'll notice that there are yellow ribbons on almost every stop sign, and everything around here, there's just so much support for him - he was a great guy," said Fiissel.

Vicente will no doubt be in the minds and hearts of those who loved him today and always.