SASKATOON -- Saskatoon dentist Dr. Parviz Yazdani says social distancing is not possible in his profession as he treats and inspects the mouths of up to 40 patients each day.

“In dentistry it’s inevitable that we deal with blood, bodily fluids and airborne nonstop and all day long so yes we are concerned about it.”

Health experts are advising that people practice social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. That means staying away from large public spaces where a virus can be easily spread, working from home or giving enough distance between yourself and others.

However, for some Saskatoon workers that is not an option.

Yazdani, who has been a dentist for more 20 years, plans to implement small changes into his practice. Staff will wear wrap-around goggles to minimize airborne particles making it into their eyes. Patients will be asked if they have traveled recently, if they have or need to quarantine themselves and if they have any flu-like symptoms.

“If there are any doubts at that point we will ask them to consider rebooking.”

Patients are also being asked to come to appointments alone, while parents visiting the dentist with their children are asked to wait in the waiting room.

“We are minimizing the amount of exposure that is unnecessary to the extent that we can determine,” Yazdani said.

Bonnie Ethier is facing a similar obstacle. The Saskatoon hair stylist owns E-Clips Hair Studio, spending her days near her clients, and worries the virus could affect her business.

“We are constantly shampooing people’s hair so we are washing our hands before we even touch them, we clean them constantly,” Ethier said.

Ether has had conversations with her staff about preventing a possible spread of the virus, advising staff to stay home if they feel flu-like symptoms.

“If they get sick then they don’t get paid and I don’t get paid and coming into work if you are sick could be detrimental and it could take everybody out so it is that fine line,” Ether said.

Her staff will not need to wear masks during salon appointments but will use their judgment if they notice a client presenting flu-like symptoms.