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Saskatoon's Slush Cup turns out sunny and soggy


Sunshine and mild temperatures were in the forecast on Saturday, perfect weather for the annual Slush Cup.

Skiers, snowboarders and spectators made the most of the nice day by choosing various layers of clothing, or costumes, and slid down the snow trying to make it across the slush pond.

“A lot of new faces that I haven’t seen before, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t graced our hill,” said Maxine Tebbe, general manager of Optimist Hill. “But definitely a higher turnout than I expected.”

Going in waves of ten with friends filming, down they went toward the big pool.

Some with more style than others.

“I tried a 180 in and a 180 out,” said Jackson, a regular at the hill. “It didn’t go very well.”

“I landed on my board, I fell in the water though,” said Connor Brissette, who tried a backflip. “At least it’s nice out.”

But the cold water did little to dampen the spirits of everyone at the hill.

“I’ve had a lot of fun,” said Luther. “And my coat is soaked with about ten pounds of water.”

“It’s a little bit of a shock, but I’ve been training for years,” said Easton Orange. “Cold showers every morning.”

Tebbe says despite the ski hill shutting down for the season, there are lots of ideas for how to use the park year-round.

Some of which could be happening as early as this summer. Top Stories

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