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'It's going to help the youth': EGADZ launching missing person app for Saskatchewan


EGADZ youth Centre, in partnership with the province of Saskatchewan, is launching the Missing Youth Saskatchewan app, aimed at freeing up police resources.

“It allows police to put the resources where they need be instead of chasing their tail all the time,” said Egadz executive director Don Meikle.

According to Meikle it will help cut down on the number of missing youth calls by simplifying the process for reporting them.

The app was created with input from the EGADZ youth committee. It works by helping agencies that want to fill out a missing persons report by automatically generating the police report.

It is set to launch on February 1st.

“I think its going to start reducing the numbers of kids being called in,” said Meikle.

“It's going to help the youth, so we as the adults, or as the care homes or the people looking after them understand them and better learn about them.”

Last year nearly 1,500 risk assessments were completed by EGADZ staff with 235 resulting in missing person reported to saskatoon police, according to a press release from the province.

The province is providing close to $50,000 towards the app. Top Stories

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