SASKATOON -- A sexual enhancement product seized last year from a Saskatoon store has been found to pose a health risk, Health Canada says.

Health Canada seized Never Rest from Lil’ Devil Adult Video & Toys on Dec. 16. The agency announced Tuesday that the product contained sildenafil.

Sildenafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction and should only be used if prescribed by a doctor, Health Canada says. It shouldn’t be used by patients taking a nitrate-based drug as it could cause life threating low blood pressure, while those with heart problems could be at a greater risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Store owner Corey Meroniuk told CTV News that the business has not sold Never Rest since its removal from shelves.

“I am following Health Canada’s rules, it is what it is and if they don’t want it on the shelf for undeclared ingredients then I will follow their rules,” said Meroniuk.