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City-wide scavenger hunt raises close to $15K for Cystic Fibrosis Canada


Nearly $15,000 has been raised for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) by participants in the third annual Saskatoon-wide scavenger hunt.

“We have university students, adults, families, everybody takes part in it and it is so much fun,” Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Janice Daniels told CTV News.

“People will go via their vehicles to different locations in the city, whether it be businesses or landmarks and they will get clues and they have trick or treat bags and have goodies along the way.”

Daniels said there is a treasure for those who complete the quest.

She said that CF is the most common fatal genetic disease that affects children and young adults

“We’ve had some great, great wins with medications in the last year. There are so many amazing things happening in the CF community. Fundraisers like this make it all happen and push our research forward, and our clinical care.”

The event runs this Sunday from 1-4 p.m. Top Stories

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