The holidays are traditionally a time to spend with family, but some of us have to travel quite a ways to see them. Flying can be stressful, but there are some tactics to keep the fun and simple.

First, additional baggage usually costs extra on most airlines, making it tempting to try to pack your carry-on full of those important gifts. But wrapping presents before you fly can be a big hassle when you hit airport security.

If security agents aren't sure what's inside your package, you'll be asked to unwrap it. It might seem like a hassle to wrap presents at your location, but it's better than missing your flight because you were stuck at security showing off that train set for your nephew.

You should also consider getting to the airport early – sometimes up to an hour and a half before the flight. Most holiday travellers are not frequent flyers, and they can take longer at check in and baggage claim. Save yourself the headache by giving yourself plenty of time.

Liquids and gels can be carried on planes if they are under certain size limits, usually 100 milliliters. Keep them together in a clear bag so a security guard can examine them before the flight.

If you follow these tips, flying can be a fun experience, and you can arrive at Great Aunt Matilda's house just in time for fruitcake.