On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, residents in Saskatoon's Ward 7 will go to the polls to elect a new city councilor. The byelection comes after former counselor Bob Pringle stepped down from the post in December. With eight candidates vying for the seat, the race is tight.

So who is qualified for the job? CTV Saskatoon talked to six of the eight candidates, and asked them the same three questions. Here are their answers.


Bill J. Oranchuk:

Oranchuk has over 20 years of experience in sales and customer service as a business owner. As a long-haul driver, Oranchuk has logged over 2 million miles throughout North America. He worked for the City of Saskatoon from 1987-96, involved in the infrastructure services.

1. What do you believe is the biggest issue affecting the voters of Ward 7, and how do you plan to address it?

Property taxes. Everyone is concerned about how much they're paying and what value they are personally receiving for their tax investment.

2. Why do you think you are the most qualified for the position?

Growing up on a farm I know that staying focused and working hard has its rewards. I've owned my own principal residence in Ward 7 for over 38 years. During my 1987 to 1996 employment, I learned how the city functions and doesn't function. My work experiences make me a very well rounded and confident person. I am a communicator and a gleaner of information. I have the ability to get answers without asking direct questions. Not only am I the oldest candidate running but my diversified life experiences makes me the most suitable to be the best councilor for the people of Ward 7. Plus, I have ideas for improving Transit services, Police services, safer streets and roadways, efficient recycling, increased Civic employee productivity and morale.

3. If you could have one super power, what would you choose and why?

If I could do just one thing it would be to make everyone happy without envy and proud of their lives.


Bill Wheatley:

Wheatley is a CMA living in Stonebridge, and both he and his wife are founding members of the Stonebridge Community Association. As a member of the association, Wheatley worked with the city to address issues in his neighbourhood.

1. What do you believe is the biggest issue affecting the voters of Ward 7, and how do you plan to address it?

I would like to say it iss garbage pickup, recycling, traffic or something simple. Unfortunately I think looking at the wide demographics in Ward 7 it's probably the rising cost of living. People are complaining about the cost overruns on the major projects and about the recent property tax increase. We're now hearing about the full cost of infrastructure repairs. These are scary figures and with record debt levels, people are very concerned about the future. I will see that the tax dollars are well spent.

2. Why do you think you are the most qualified for the position?

I have a Certified Management Accounting designation, a background in business, and I am very fiscally responsible. When looking at a problem, I look at the big picture, find the real underlying issues and then come up with a sustainable solution. I understand and will look carefully at the budget.

3. If you could have one super power, what would you choose and why?

The ability to time travel. I would zip to the future, look at the issues and what caused them. I would then go back in time and correct the problems. I might also sneak a peek at the past lottery numbers.


Mairin Loewen:

Loewen was born in Saskatoon and grew up in Ward 7. After graduating from Carleton University in 2005 with a B.A in political science, Loewen returned to Saskatoon to work for the Minister of Finance. She was the Manager of Physician Recruitment and Retention with the Saskatchewan Medical Association until 2010 when she returned to the University of Saskatchewan where she works part-time and is completing an M.A. in Political Studies.

1. What do you believe is the biggest issue affecting the voters of Ward 7, and how do you plan to address it?

Everywhere I go in Ward 7, people are concerned about moving around the city easily and safely. For seniors around Market Mall this means even, cleared sidewalks and accessible bus stops. For young families it means calm traffic and safe intersections. For cyclists it means feeling safe on the road, and for many others it means reliable public transit and uncongested traffic. We can improve quality of life for all our residents by planning transportation systematically and making it easier for all residents to get to school, work, and play.

2. Why do you think you are the most qualified for the position?

I think it's important for City Council to have new people and fresh perspective, and I think I represent that. I've worked as a researcher, a Ministerial Assistant and Chief of Staff with the provincial government, and as the Manager of Physician Recruitment and Retention with the Saskatchewan Medical Association. These jobs have given me perspective and knowledge about government, fiscal prudence, and the importance of communication with residents and communities. I have been an active volunteer in Saskatoon and have lived in Ward 7 for most of my life. I believe the combination of my enthusiasm, commitment, and experience makes me the most qualified candidate for this role.

3. If you could have one super power, what would you choose and why?

I'd settle for this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO3c8EaxsxQ

Patrick Thomson:

Born in Alberta, Thomson moved to Saskatoon in 1987 and attended the University of Saskatchewan. He works as a foreman for a construction company that specializes in industrial fencing, and has served on the city's Board of Revision for seven years.

1. What do you believe is the biggest issue affecting the voters of Ward 7, and how do you plan to address it?

Having knocked on doors every night for the last three weeks, I can say with confidence that recycling is the issue that people are most interested in, and that most people who are interested in recycling are in favor of mandatory recycling. As a Councilor, I will be sure to consult with Cosmo Industries and the city administration to ensure that the Request for Proposals to provide mandatory recycling, currently being drafted by the city, will get Saskatoon the best possible deal on recycling, while allowing for Cosmo's continued operation.

It is important that we recognize efficiencies gained in waste management when calculating the cost of recycling, and don't simply add the total cost of the program to the tax bill. I am afraid, with user-pay garbage collection, also an option at this point, the waste management reforms currently underway will turn into a civic cash-grab, and am determined not to let the tax burden be unduly increased under the veil of environmentalism.

2. Why do you think you are the most qualified for the position?

I am the best candidate because I have shown a dedication to the city and competence in civic affairs, through my seven years of service on the Board of Revision. Unlike some candidates, I am prepared to commit to Council for a decade, and have no desire to use the office of Councilor as a stepping-stone to the legislature.

I am reasonable, hard-working, and intelligent, as I hope I have demonstrated throughout this campaign, and hope the Ward 7 electorate thinks so too.

3. If you could have one super power, what would you choose and why?

I would like to be able to fly, nothing fancy, just fly. I would simply like the freedom. I have no need for Wolverine claws, psychic ability, telepathy, immortality, laser eyes, or other such destructive and/or deifying powers, but it would be nice to fly to work.


Robin Bellamy:

Bellamy graduated with a degree in Education from the University of Saskatoon in 1985, and is the current School Board Trustee for Ward 7, and has held that position since 2006. Prior to that, he was the executive director of the Saskatoon Friendship Inn, and currently owns Caldaj Group of Companies, a building supply company.

1. What do you believe is the biggest issue affecting the voters of Ward 7, and how do you plan to address it?

Exhibition area, many residents are extremely concerned with the replacement of the areas infrastructure and the expected costs to the residents to replace it. Area on and around Clarence Avenue, Gordon Road, Armistice Way and others is around traffic problems. Area around Market Mall especially in the various senior complexes the concerns though broad most are safety concerns. Items such as bus stops in poor location, icy roads making it difficult to cross the street, slanted and broken down sidewalks.

2. Why do you think you are the most qualified for the position?

Experience, skills and commitment to the people of Saskatoon. My experiences and skills have contributed to my commitment to our city. For more than 45 years I have found ways to reach out to help and support the people of Saskatoon. During my life time I have been part of more than 40 Boards and Committees which have allowed me the opportunity to gain experiences and skills that relate well with the expectations of a city councilor. For example our city now has a budget of three-quarters of a billion dollars. As an elected School Trustee for 14 years I have spent countless hours deliberating on yearly budgets that now exceed 200 million dollars. Deciding on how to best use ratepayers dollars is very difficult and needs people who have worked with large budgets. My commitment to Saskatoon is well documented and for more on that please check my website, www.electrobinbellamy.com

3. If you could have one super power, what would you choose and why?

No better super power than the Wisdom of Solomon.

Wisdom is a deep understanding and realizing of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to choose or act to consistently produce favorable results. A lot of requests and information are received by City Council each and every day. To have the ability to use the "Wisdom of Solomon" on every decision one would make would certainly make Saskatoon Shine that much more.

Mike Bzowey:

Bzowey has lived in Ward 7 for 25 years, and is a father of three. He and owns Family Pizza in the Churchill Shopping Centre, which has been in business 20 years.

1. What do you believe is the biggest issue affecting the voters of Ward 7, and how do you plan to address it?

I believe the biggest issue to develop is a city wide issue. Mandatory curbside recycling. An expanded drop off program will be the quickest and most affordable program to implement. Right now my business could fill one of those large Rubbermaid garbage containers everyday with what I call clean plastics. Plastics used to wrap bundles of pizza boxes for example. Plastics that do not need to be washed. We cannot subscribe to Curbside. If there is a mandatory program we cannot participate. Like many businesses we do not have room to store two weeks of plastics. If there was a large plastics bin like the paper/ cardboard bins in the mall parking lot we could walk our plastics over everyday. Our mall could probably fill one of those large bins in a week just from the businesses. None of this would be diverted from the landfill in a mandatory curbside program.

The company that provides curbside pick up should funnel their collected materials into the same program, so that it is all shipped together and paid by the city. That company could then lower the cost to their subscribers.

2. Why do you think you are the most qualified for the position?

My 20 years in business is a much smaller scale compared to a city budget but I am used to trimming cost to avoid raising prices. I live in Ward 7 and have for 25 years. Unlike many politicians I am a better listener than talker.

3. If you could have one super power, what would you choose and why?

Backward time travel. A rewind power. Who wouldn't want to go back and correct mistakes they've made. I don't really think I'd want a power. Some of the best things develop from mistakes, you just don't know it at the time.


CTV Saskatoon will continue following the election and will have all the coverage on voting day. Check back at www.ctvsaskatoon.ca to find out the results.