Firefighters from Saskatoon are being asked not to participate in the 2018 Saskatchewan Firefighters Calendar.

The Saskatoon Professional Fire Fighters Association has asked its members to boycott being featured in the calendar.

The group said the decision was made because a large percentage of money raised goes into production costs of the calendar and not enough of the proceeds were given to their charity of choice, the SPFFA Burn Fund.

“This year we decided to take a different route,” said Clint Belitsky, a member of the association, noting a decrease in sales also factored into the decision.

“To be honest, it's the calendar’s decrease in sales. Not a lot of people are buying calendars for their walls anymore, so it was time to cut ties with the calendar and hopefully raise some more money in a different avenue.”

Belitsky said all professional firefighters associations across Saskatchewan have asked members not to participate in the production of a calendar.

Instead, the SPFFA will partner with the Saskatoon Paramedic Association on May 13 for the inaugural Fire in the Kitchen Cook Off at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon.

The proceeds of that event will all go to the Burn Fund charity.