A psychiatrist testified at the long-term offender hearing for admitted child abuser Russell Wolfe on Thursday.

Dr. Shabreham Lohrasbe, who prepared a psychiatric report on the 59-year-old ahead of the hearing, told a Saskatoon Queen’s Bench courtroom Wolfe is likely to reoffend, but he said a good chance exists that he can be treated through programming.

The hearing is set to determine if Wolfe will be designated a long-term offender.

Both Crown and defence lawyers argue he should be designated a long-term offender. They presented a joint submission earlier this week, asking that Wolfe receive 15 years in prison followed by 10 years of supervision.

The lawyers must prove Wolfe is at a high-risk to reoffend, but also that those risks can eventually be managed in the community, in order for the judge to deem him a long-term offender.

The case is scheduled back in court next week.