A Saskatoon man says that he was attacked walking home from his Mosque early in the morning on July 13.
Abu Shiekh says he was walking home after his morning prayers when a white truck jumped the sidewalk and accelerated towards him.
“He was just trying to run me over,” said Shiekh. “I had panic, fear.”
He says he was able to duck for cover by pushing his body against the bush in front of his house. Shiekh says that after he was able to get back inside his home, two bricks smashed through the front window.
“This is one of the hate crimes, because I was wearing a cultural robe and white hat,” said Shiekh.
Shiekh’s daughter Aisha who lives in San Francisco came home when she heard what happened. She says she does not understand why someone would do this.
“[I] sort of had this sinking feeling like ‘what’s going on?’ I heard about these things in the states, and I’ve been hearing more and more happening in Canada,” said Aisha. “I just felt really scared that this could happen.”
Police say that the incident has been reported and is currently under investigation.
Based on a report by Stephanie Villella