SASKATOON -- The Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon has been hard at work helping out smaller charities and non-profits during the pandemic.

“A lot of these groups, non-profits and charities, they may only have one annual fundraiser,” Club president Rob Huck said.

“So when this happens, they’re in big trouble. A lot of them sunk costs into these fundraisers and they expect to receive these proceeds to fund their entire year.”

So far Huck says $225,000 has been donated to more than 30 different non-profits and charities in Saskatoon and the surrounding area.

Huck is asking those in the public who can help, to not forget about the smaller organizations that rely on community support to continue to work.

Huck says a lot of the money the Club would donate has been front-loaded to immediately help out while fundraisers are cancelled.

Although the Club has been able to make a big impact so far, a lot of the money that would have been spread out during the year has already been donated.

“We still have only limited resources so what we’re going to do is trail off at this point and assess where we are,” Huck said. “We’ll see how we can help out groups in the months to come.”

Those looking to help out can donate to the Kinsmen Club by purchasing tickets for the Kinsmen home lottery, or to find a way to donate directly to the charity of your choice.