A 90-pound parrot statue has been returned to Earls restaurant after being stolen and placed on top of the Traffic Bridge over the weekend.

“We are not sure who had taken it, and Earls doesn’t encourage vandalism in any way, but I think everybody had a good chuckle,” Earls office manager Jacquelyn Rogne said.

Graham Construction workers climbed on the top of the bridge to retrieve the bird who flew the coop Saturday afternoon.

Earls did not file a complaint about the theft, according to Saskatoon police.

“Whether there is police involvement or not, the main concern for us here is that this is a site where access was restricted. We’d want people to honour the signs,” Alyson Edwards with the Saskatoon police said.

It is unknown who was behind the incident, but people on social media speculate University of Saskatchewan engineering students were involved.

U of S engineers managed to hang a car from the Broadway Bridge as part of a frosh prank in 1999.

Two years later, the students performed a similar prank on the Broadway Bridge.

There is also an ongoing feud between engineering students and law students at the U of S, which includes engineering students stealing the College of Law’s bird mascot.

“The engineers kidnapped The Legal Eagle from the College of Law and held it for ransom several times,” Patrick Hayes, from the U of S Archives, said.

The parrot statue was returned back to the restaurant on Sunday.