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Doors Open Saskatoon provides a look inside the city's landmarks


On Sunday, buildings and businesses across the city opened their doors to the public in an event that lets you peek inside city landmarks.

The bi-annual Doors Open event sees 24 of Saskatoon’s most historic buildings open up for tours. Tour guides, historians, and building owners guide participants through the hallways, and provide a history of the building.

"It’s pretty exciting! We haven't had Doors Open saskatoon for four years now, last one was in 2019. There's 24 buildings open all over Saskatoon and on the outskirts of Saskatoon," organizer Kim Ali said.

Historians at the Hotel Bessborough tell the story of when Johnny Cash was woken up at 1a.m. by college students, who urged him to do an impromptu concert — to which he agreed.

And people hear about the various events that have been held at TCU place.

Being able to share the history of these buildings is important for their current tenants as well.

"Well its very much the best way to explain who we are and what we do here, as far as marketing and advertising,” Hotel Senator Manager Chris Beavis said. “Just having people one-on-one walking through our property while showing off who we are and what we do."

The event is set to return in 2025. Top Stories

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