Mayfair Pool opened for the first time 53 years ago.  At the time, Rocky Rochelle was a part of the Caswell Sport Committee.  The group was responsible for circulating a petition urging the city to build its first outdoor pool.

“They needed a pool in this particular area,” says Rochelle. “So we decided we were going to get it if they needed one."

The original Mayfair Pool was much different than the one that celebrated a reopening Wednesday afternoon. The old pool was plain, rectangular, and run down. Not only that, but the basin and the underground piping were falling apart, causing the pool to lose a lot of water.

So the pool was closed down in 2008.

There was talk that it may not reopen. But residents of the Caswell area made it clear that they wanted to see Mayfair Pool replaced. A proposal was made to council, and approved. And now this $5.5 million facility is open for business.

Cary Humphrey, the leisure services branch manager, says the new pool is state of the art. “Today with the modern pool we have here, we have a lap lane pool, we have diving boards, and we have a water slide that has a run-out shout on deck.”