On Monday, staff at Mee Sports say they got a call from the Denver Broncos cheerleading team in need of some jackets for Super Bowl 50 in San Francisco.

"The cheer staff realized there was a potential for rain in San Francisco and knew we could make a product that's water proof, light weight, and good for their cheerleaders to wear,” said Pete Wills, operations manager of Mee Sports.

This isn't the first time the local company has provided clothes for the Super Bowl. Wills says last year it rained at the Super Bowl and the Seattle Seahawks’ cheer team wore the jackets the company made for them in the big game.

With the short notice, the staff had to work even harder to fill the order.

"It’s quicker than we usually do but for an event like this we are happy to accommodate them,” said Wills.

According to Wills, Mee Sports provides a number of teams with jackets, including the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets and the company displays their products at the leagues cheerleading tradeshow.

"It’s unique. It doesn't happen very often that we get to see our products on national television so it’s a really cool thing," said Wills.

The forecast for the Super Bowl in San Francisco isn't calling for rain right now, but Wills says it’s the Super Bowl, anything can happen.