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Saskatoon police request $1.6M funding increase


At this month's Board of Police Commissioners meeting held on Thursday, a request was made for a $1.6 million increase to next year’s Saskatoon police budget.

Chief of Police Cam McBride said the majority of the requested funds would cover the administrative, equipment, and maintenance costs associated with hiring new officers.

"It costs roughly $12,000 to fully equip a police officer," McBride said.

Twenty-four of the new officers slated for hire next year will be provincially funded, but the province is only covering salaries. The budget request to city council aims to address the additional costs tied to increasing staff size.

Uniforms, equipment, and at least one vehicle for every four officers hired are included in these costs.

Board Chair Shirley Greyeyes said the city must offset the costs for all the new officers, including their required support.

"The full funding for all of these officers of the thirty-seven that were given to us, so we have to offset those costs, and the increased costs for any supports those officers may need," said Greyeyes.

A smaller portion of the funding request is meant to address changes since the initial budget approval. McBride said two new staff positions are also planned.

"We are looking to add two additional staff, one would be a public safety unit coordinator who will help us address some of the increases in protest activity we've been seeing in the community, and the other is an accounting coordinator," said McBride.

McBride said these changes are to reflect unforeseen changes in the city, and to help with administering what will become a larger police force.

City council will vote on the proposed police budget amendment in November. Top Stories

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