SASKATOON -- Saskatoon’s Queen Elizabeth, Haultain and Lawson Heights neighbourhoods will be the first areas of the city to see snow removal crews, according to a city news release.
Beginning Wednesday, the city will begin its aggressive plan to remove snow from all 66 neighbourhoods following a near-record snowfall in November that left many streets impassable, the city said. A preliminary snow-removal schedule has been posted to the city’s website.
In a report to City Council, the city’s administration estimates it will take snow-removal crews until the end of January 2021 before snow piles and windrows in all 66 neighbourhoods have been tackled.
Given the unprecedented undertaking by the city, it said residents should not expect the same bare-pavement conditions seen on higher traffic priority streets, the city said.
Residents will see ‘No Parking’ signs 24 hours before crews begin working. Similar to street sweeping, residents will need to move their vehicle off the street in advance of snow operations or their vehicle will be towed, the city said.
For future snow events, city snow crews will be sent to neighbourhood streets when ice rutting impedes mobility or when ruts reach six-inches in depth, the city said.