There is truth the term “winter blues”. Seasonal Affective Disorder, appropriately known as SAD, is a form of depression that effects people’s moods depending on the season.
“It just makes them so they don’t really have happiness. They will often feel flum and a lot of them of course don’t know such a thing exists. They may not understand why they don’t want to do anything,” said counselor Cathy Nickel.
People in the city are getting fed up with the long-lasting winter. Social media has seen plenty of lamenting about ruts and icy roads, and with Friday’s snowfall, there was even more. In order to defeat the winter blue, several people have opted to simply leave the city.
“(It’s) Crazy. Crazy. Everybody’s trying to get away and this week is the last of our charters this season,” said Marlin Travel’s Sandi Levintn, adding that those charters are sold out. Marlin Travel saw a significant spike in warm weather vacations this year.
For those who can’t actually go on a tropical vacation, there’s a way to bring the sunshine here. Seasonal Defective Disorder lights work to give people serotonin – a neurotransmitter believed to contribute to feelings of happiness.
The lamps work on a glad behind the eye to promote serotonin secretion, and can help brighten moods, even with more snow in the forecast.