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Canadian dog lovers gather for annual show in Saskatoon

The annual Saskatoon Kennel & Obedience Club dog show was attended by clubs across all of Canada, as far away as the Yukon and Newfoundland. (Noah Rishaug/CTV News) The annual Saskatoon Kennel & Obedience Club dog show was attended by clubs across all of Canada, as far away as the Yukon and Newfoundland. (Noah Rishaug/CTV News)

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, with each breed having been specifically bred for a purpose. Some to hunt, some to pull a sled, some to smell, and some to be the perfect companion.

At Prairieland Park on Sunday, the annual Saskatoon Kennel & Obedience Club dog show took place.

Dogs were judged based on their breed, and how well they performed their tasks.

Lavella Shaw is the Show Superintendent for the show and the vice president of the Saskatoon Kennel Club.

"The dogs are organized into seven groups. There’s the sporting group, the hound group, the working group, the terrier group, the non-sporting group, the herding group, and toys," said Shaw.

Toys refer to dogs that are bred to be companions.

Rather than speed, agility, or strength. The dogs are being tested on Obedience to their role.

Shaw urges any owners that are in the market for a dog to know what kind of dog they are getting.

"If you want a Siberian, be prepared to have an escape-proof yard because they were bred to run and that's what they're going to do. If you want a protection dog, remember you need to have them obedience trained. You need to do your work to be a good canine citizen," said Shaw.

She urges anyone with a dog to have them obedience trained. "90 per cent of an obedience class is teaching you the owner how to train your dog."

The show was attended by clubs across all of Canada, as far away as the Yukon and Newfoundland. Top Stories

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