Indian Head-Milestone

Don McMorris

Saskatchewan Party – Don McMorris

Don McMorris was raised in the Indian-Head Milestone constituency. He graduated from Milestone High School and ran the driver education program for Prairie View School Division for many years. Don worked with the Saskatchewan Safety Council for 10 years with responsibility for all traffic safety programs offered in the province. He also started a company called Crossroads Safety offering safety training courses to corporate clients.

Don was first elected to the legislature as the MLA for Indian Head-Milestone in 1999. He says he ran for the Saskatchewan Party as he wanted to make a difference in the areas of health and agriculture. He was re-elected in 2003, and again in the 2007 provincial election. During his two terms in opposition, Don served as the critic for health, K-12 learning and labour. In government, Don served as the minister of health.

According to Don, Saskatchewan's best feature can be summed up in two words, "The people."

Don enjoys snowboarding, hockey, curling and spending time at the lake. Don and his wife Cindy operate a family farm in the Lewvan area. They have two sons.

Richard Klyne

NDP – Richard Klyne

Richard Klyne was selected as the NDP candidate for Indian Head-Milestone at a nomination meeting on March 19, 2011 in Indian Head, that was attended by over 60 people.

Klyne, a life-time resident of the constituency of Indian Head-Milestone, is the former acting CEO of the Parkland Regional College.

He is currently a PhD candidate in adult education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina. The focus of his dissertation is on governance in post-secondary institutions.

Shelby Hersberger

Green Party – Shelby Hersberger

Shelby is a third year student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina. Although she currently resides in Regina, Shelby grew up in Milestone, Sask. She maintains strong ties in the town – Milestone is home.

Shelby is committed to improving the lives of those in her community. She spends many hours working with seniors, and is the recreation co-ordinator at a personal care home in Regina.

Shelby volunteers actively and sits on the Board of Directors for SEARCH, a student-run health-care initiative working in the North Central Community in Regina.

On campus, Shelby has served as a University of Regina student ambassador. She also works to spread the Green message on campus, and is currently the president of the University of Regina Greens.

She says Saskatchewan has immense opportunity to become a world leader in the renewable energy sector, while maintaining a vibrant economy.

2007 election results

Don McMorris (Saskatchewan Party) – 5,351 (63.9%)

Corinne Pauliuk (NDP) – 2,301 (27.5%)

Michael Hiebert (Liberal Party) – 510 (6.1%)

Dagan Harding (Green Party) – 203 (2.4%)