Tuesday allegations of a starlight tour came forward after the watch commander received a call from a woman claiming a 19-year-old man had been picked up by police and dropped off outside the city.
Friday, the Saskatoon Police Service has still not received an official complaint.
All police units are equipped with GPS, and records show that no vehicle went outside city limits during the hours the alleged drop-off continued. Each car also has an onboard camera that automatically records when the back doors to the vehicle are opened. Police revealed Friday that they found no evidence in the footage to suggest a 19-year-old man was ever in the back of one of their vehicles.
"We believe they have provided statements to the FSIN, however that information has not been forwarded to either the provincial Public Complaints Commission or the Saskatoon Police Service,” said Police Chief Clive Weighill in a press release.
“Even though no formal complaint has been received, we have asked the Public Complaints Commission to actively investigate the allegation," he continued.
Formal complaints against the Saskatoon Police Service can be made to one of three agencies: the police themselves, the provincial public complaints commission, or the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.