A $300,000 pilot project funded by RBC Foundation aims to give University of Saskatchewan agriculture students transferable skills beyond what they learn in the classroom.

Skills like leadership, communication and organization are on the top of mind for third year student Kaitlyn Kitzan.

“I totally realize that more of the interview is about you, who you know, culture and your values,” Kitzan told CTV News.

The professor who initiated the program agrees.

“We need to pay attention to those skills because that's what impresses employers. When you go for a job interview, there may be 15 or 20 students applying for the position and they all look identical on paper,” assistant agriculture professor Grant Green said.

The program is called Learn to Work; Work to Learn and is a two-year course which starts in May. Forty students are enrolled, half of the maximum number.

During the course, industry professionals will meet students to give them networking opportunities.

The U of S is one of seven agricultural colleges across Canada.