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Saskatoon snow clearing: Five neighbourhoods graded so far


Workers have completed grading the streets in nearly five neighbourhoods as of Sunday morning, according to the City of Saskatoon.

As of 9 a.m. on Jan. 1, Avalon, Briarwood, Rosewood, Wildwood and the avenues of City Park have been completed.

The city's snow grading schedule is available on its website and updated daily.

A news release from the city cautions residents that parking restriction signage will not necessarily be posted in advance of grading. Residents are encouraged to check the city’s website for updates and to notify friends, family and neighbours as updates are made available.

“If possible, residents are encouraged to move vehicles parked on the street prior to grading crews arriving,” the news release said. “The city recognizes some vehicles are stuck therefore vehicles left parked on the street will not be ticketed or towed.”

Crews will work around vehicles not moved off the street.

The work is expected to take about six days to complete, covering about 2,400 kilometres of roadway, the city says.

The city says its main priority is to make streets accessible. Workers will grade the streets and pile the snow into nearby parking lanes, boulevards and medians until it can be collected and hauled to storage sites.

The removal of these piles could several weeks, according to the news release. The city asks residents to refrain from pushing or blowing snow from sidewalks or driveways onto the street. Top Stories

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