Three orphaned black bear cubs are getting another lease on life at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo.

The cubs will live there for about 14 months until they are ready for release, said Jan Shadick, founder of Living Sky Rehabilitation Centre, where the cubs are being housed.

They will be out of human sight and have no contact with people so they retain their natural fear and wariness of humans – which they are “currently demonstrating very vividly” at Living Sky, she told CTV News.

Conservation officers had shot the cubs’ mother after she had been seen digging in garbage and near homes at Cote First Nation. The environment ministry had set a deadline of Thursday for Shadick to find the cubs a new home with the proper facilities for caring for wild animals.

Earlier this week Shadick had taken to social media to bring attention to the plight of the cubs.

“It’s been a really interesting process for us, and I will publicly apologize to the Ministry of Environment for going to our social media outlet to support us so these bears weren’t euthanized,” Shadick said.

“I have to say it has been a huge mess but I am incredibly relieved that they have a placement and that they are not going to be euthanized.”