Can’t catch a break? Don’t tell that to crews battling a wave a water main breaks across Saskatoon.
The City of Saskatoon says there were at least 13 water main breaks during the weekend, including a record-setting 11 recorded during a 26-hour period. The city usually averages one or two breaks per day for this time of year.
Below-normal temperatures during the weekend and previous week are being blamed for most of the breaks, with the frozen ground shifting the pipes and causing the ruptures.
As of Sunday evening, the city says water service was off at the following locations:
• 74 Phillips Crescent (water trailer on-site)
• 2421 Ewart Avenue (water trailer on-site)
• 500 block of 6th Street East (water trailer on-site)
• 1300 7th Avenue North (water trailer on-site)
• 2903 Ferguson Avenue
• Diefenbaker Drive between Fairlight Drive and 22nd Street West
• 300 Bate Crescent
• 1326 Ave Y North
• 3225 11th Street West
• 141 Pacific Avenue
The city says staff and contractors are working on isolate the location of the breaks, preparing the sites for excavation and repairing the pipes. It says even if workers are not present, repairs for each location have been scheduled and will be repaired as soon as possible. The goal is to have serviced to affected residents restored within 48 hours, but the number of breaks means that may not be the case in every instance.
The rate of breaks is expected to decrease as the temperatures improve this week. The city recommends residents in areas where water main breaks have occurred in the past few years and neighbourhoods adjacent to current breaks be prepared by storing drinking water. The recommended supply is 3.8 litres per person per day.
The city has four water trailers to provide an emergency supply but the number of breaks has limited the availability of the trailers in all areas.