Police officers in Saskatoon are now carrying Tasers.
The pollice service has 44 conducted energy weapons that will be stored at police headquarters, where they will be signed out by an officer for the duration of a shift.
Police Chief Clive Weighill has said the electronic stun guns are only to be used in a confrontation where an officer would normally reach for a firearm and not in a lesser situation such as an argument.
A special report presented to the board of police commissioners in October highlighted the training policy and accountability for using the weapons.
The police service says officers were required to complete 11 hours of training online and in a classroom. They've also been better trained on how to keep volatile situations from escalating.
Using a Taser will result in a review of the situation by supervisors and police say the media and the public will be made aware each time the device is used.
The use of Tasers was approved by the Saskatchewan Police Commission last January.