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Victim scoffs as former Saskatoon gym teacher offers her cash during sexual assault sentencing


The following story contains a description of sexual abuse. 

In an unusual turn of events, the former athletic director of a private Christian school left Saskatoon provincial court in handcuffs — without a jail sentence.

In October, Aaron Benneweis — who now lives in Edmonton — pleaded guilty to sexual assault and sexual exploitation.

On Thursday, lawyers made arguments for how long he should spend behind bars.

The Crown pushed for a jail sentence of two years less a day, followed by three years probation.

The defence argued a six-month jail sentence, with two-and-a half-year probation would be more appropriate.

The minimum sentence for this offence is 45 days.

Judge Marilyn Grey reserved her decision until Jan. 18, but Benneweis’ lawyer, Brian Pfefferle, said his client is prepared to begin his sentence immediately.

Grey said she’s only seen this happen once before, but allowed Benneweis to be taken into custody early, ahead of sentencing.

"We know jail is to follow, why delay the inevitable?" Pfefferle told reporters.

Benneweis’ victim, Jennifer Beaudry, watched her former gym teacher and coach get handcuffed.

It marked the first time, in more than a decade, Beaudry was in the same room with Benneweis.

Court heard Benneweis began giving Beaudry inappropriate attention at Christian Centre Academy when she was 13, and he was 32.

Afraid to go against authority, Beaudry complied to her teacher’s requests to meet up — where court heard Benneweis would remove her clothes, touch and kiss her.

"I hope you feel disgusting. I hope your heart is pounding. I hope you feel like you want to throw up. I hope you never really want to look in the mirror again," Beaudry told Benneweis in court.

Benneweis refrained from making eye-contact with Beaudry as she read her victim impact statement.

"I hope I went from your biggest fantasy to your worst f——g nightmare,” Beaudry said.


Beaudry’s first kiss was with Benneweis. Beaudry said it happened in the school van, used for taking students to activities and events.

Benneweis parked the vehicle in the Marion Graham Collegiate parking lot behind a hedge, according to an incident report prepared by Beaudry.

"I was instructed to lay down on one of the bench seats in the back to not be seen … He then got me to sit on his lap," Crown prosecutor Sheryl Fillo read aloud from Beaudry’s incident report.

"I was leaning back against his chest and he had his arms wrapped around me. He said, 'Hold lick, I’m holding you!' He began to passionately French kiss me on the mouth … I remember feeling extremely uncomfortable and scared to push back."

Beaudry was 14 and Benneweis was 33.

"I was never the same after that," Fillo read from Beaudry’s report.

At the time of the sexual assaults, Beaudry’s mother was teaching at Christian Centre Academy — now named Legacy Christian Academy. The school is the subject of a proposed class action lawsuit by former students alleging physical and sexual abuse.

Court heard the school’s pastor ended up finding out about Benneweis’ behaviour with a student. The pastor and his wife, Beaudry and her parents had a meeting.

The pastor said "it would be gracious to not press charges," according to Beaudry’s incident report, read by the Crown.

Benneweis was then removed from the school and left Saskatoon.

Years later, in August 2022, Beaudry filed a police report — leading to the criminal charges.


Before he was handcuffed, Benneweis read an apology.

"Being involved with Jennifer was because I was at a very low point in my life without thinking about anything or anyone other than myself," Benneweis said.

"I pursued her. It was wrong on so many levels."

As a result of the criminal charges, Benneweis said his bank accounts were closed, his mortgage was pulled from his house and his passport was denied.


"I have felt overwhelming guilt for many years. To her, I do say sorry. I cannot reverse the mistakes I made with her, but one thing I can offer Jennifer is the financial support," Benneweis said.

Benneweis offered to pay Beaudry $10,000 as compensation for the therapy and medication she’s needed as a result of his offences.

Beaudry scoffed from the gallery.

"The victim and the Crown actually found this offensive that someone would think that they would be able to, as it appears, buy their way out of or reduce their sentence by making that offer," Fillo said.

Pfefferle said the $10,000 would not "discount" his jail sentence but would demonstrate "putting your money where your mouth is." Top Stories

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