SASKATOON -- Dr. Jesse Melle from Rosthern has announced he and his wife contracted COVID-19 on a recent trip to Alberta.

He posted the information on his medical clinic’s Facebook page Saturday morning.

“It is with a heavy heart that I need to confirm that my wife and I have contracted Covid-19 from recent travel to Alberta,” wrote Dr. Melle.

“I want to assure you that throughout the last week myself and my colleagues followed the guidance of the Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Federal Governments on appropriate social distancing and safe practices regarding transmission of the virus. Even with strict adherence to the recommendations at the time, against our best efforts and with very cautious hygiene, my wife and I still contracted the virus. I have learned that staying home is the only way to keep yourself safe.”

The Saskatchewan Health Authority announced 18 new COVID-19 cases in the province on Saturday, 11 of which were health care workers.

"I want to assure you that as soon as I am well, I will be returning to the only thing I know how to do - the thing I love - helping this community to stay healthy. Be kind to one another. Stay well. We are in this together."