SASKATOON -- Serena Ryder will be the keynote speaker of this year’s Silver Spoon Dinner.

“This is our 30th anniversary and to celebrate our success we aimed to find a headliner who is a popular, vivacious, accomplished, strong, young, Canadian woman. Mission accomplished,” the group said in a news release.

“Serena Ryder is the perfect fit to entertain and inspire Silver Spoon’s roomful of women. She is a multi-platinum Juno Award-winning singer-songwriter, artist and mental health advocate – a seasoned performer and an eloquent keynote speaker.”

The gala is sponsored by Saskatoon CHW (Hadassah-WIZO) and Congregation Agudas Israel as a fundraiser for the two sponsoring organizations as well as Saskatoon Interval House and Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan.

The event is scheduled for May 14. Tickets will be available at on Jan. 15.