The fork belonging to the first Canadian prime minister is for sale in Saskatoon.
Sir John A. Macdonald’s silverware set is selling for $59,500 at Saskatoon’s Antique and Brass Shop on 33rd Street.
Chris Kinzel, the owner of the store, said he picked up the 52 piece set from a home outside of Saskatoon.
“It came from a family descendant. Sir John A. had two different wives and his son probably moved out west and became premier of Manitoba and I believe that’d how it came out this far,” Kinzel explained.
He said at first he was skeptical if the set actually belonged to the founding father, but the family crests engraved on the handles were legitimate.
The silverware – 26 pieces belonging to the prime minister and the other half belonging to Macdonald’s father – has been in Kinzel’s hands for three years, but he only has it on display for sale a few times a year.
“I’ve had a few offers and you know we’re open to dickering because that’s the nature of the business,” Kinzel said.
“Various museums would like it, but they’d want us to donate it and we’re not in the position to donate.”
Kinzel said he may consider splitting up the set, or if it doesn’t sell, giving the silverware to his kids.