An Idle No More gathering was held in front of MP Randy Hoback’s Prince Albert office Thursday afternoon. Constituency staff were working outside the office and the MP himself is on vacation with his family. However, that did not deter several dozen protestors who held signs and encouraged passing motorists to acknowledge them by honking. At one point the protestors briefly blocked 15th Street West in both directions as they participated in a round dance.
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Vice-Chief Kimberly Jonathan says although the movement is largely being led by First Nations, she believes the issues affect everybody in Canada.
“How can we fix this? How can we, together, fix this?” she asked, “And how can we work things out so that we’re all happy? We’re here together and we’re not going away so let’s work together and let’s come up with solutions and be respectful.”
The protestors are unhappy with Bill C-45, the federal government’s latest omnibus budget bill. They say they have not been properly consulted on changes to the Indian Act and environmental regulations.