The ski hill at Blackstrap Provincial Park has been closed eight years, but there are a few people hoping to bring it back.
The hill closed after the ski equipment needed expensive repairs and private operator pulled out of the operation. The province didn’t want to pick up the bill. In 2009 a fire claimed the ski chalet, and it’s been empty since.
However, things turned around for the ski hill when the province issued a request for proposal to develop the area last weekend.
Two proposals have been submitted to the province in hopes of resurrecting the hill. One more proposal is expected from British Columbia’s Torey Spink. He wants to invest $8 million and turn the hill into an all-season destination. Currently, he already runs a tourist company and an orchard in BC.
Spink wants to fix up the hill for the winter, and redevelop waterfront, build a wedding chapel, and put in hiking and BMX trails on the hill for summer.
“It’s been on my mind for a few years and now,” Spink said. He said that with the current state of the economy, now is the time to make his plan happen.
The deadline for proposals is April 9th. The province hopes to have a decision by early this summer, and depending on the proposal selected, construction could begin soon after.