SASKATOON -- With salons being closed since March 23, stylists are hearing from clients who are in a bind, especially those who colour or highlight their hair.

Carla Unger has had some clients ask if they can get an appointment even though the salon is closed and there are many different types of issues.

"There’s some that have done hair colour or home kits or highlighting or they've decided to give themselves bangs. Who knows what we're dealing with," Unger told CTV News.

The less damage you cause your hair while physical distancing, the better it will be to fix when you get to a salon, she said.

She’s in the business of making people feel good about themselves and in her 25 years as a stylist in Saskatoon, she’s seen that hair is closely linked to identity and not being able to get to the salon is a problem.

“If their identity is caught into whether they colour their hair or not, I just hope it's in a positive way that it doesn’t define who they are."

Memes have been surfacing on social media showing grey roots that have grown out - which is what Zeba Ahmad has decided she’ll try.

“I'm going to leave it like this for now, we'll see if I get desperate, but I also think that if this is the worst problem in my life, we're very fortunate."

Because she’s working from home, she’s not worrying about appearance as much as usual and it’s freeing.

Daniel Carrier with Empire Barbering and Beauty is delivering colour kits to his regular clients so they can use professional colour at home.

When physical distancing is over, he is expecting to see a divide in thinking about hair.

"Fifty per cent will be going into the more natural look and the other 50 per cent will be, I need to see you now, now, now."

Carriere also expects hair styles that come out of this pandemic will reflect what’s been happening at home and there may be a return to the mullet.