A Saskatoon police constable has been suspended and charged after a victim’s statement in a domestic violence case he was investigating went missing.
Const. Steven Nelson was recently charged with attempting to obstruct justice and suspended with pay following an internal investigation and provincial justice review into the missing statement.
“I don’t think a chief is ever pleased when an event like this happens, but we’re dealing with humans and humans sometimes have failings,” said Saskatoon police Chief Clive Weighill.
The victim’s statement disappeared sometime between August 2012, when Nelson was assigned to the domestic violence case, and October 2013, when the issue was brought to light.
Nelson, a nine-year member of the Saskatoon police, did not know those involved in the domestic case prior to the investigation, Weighill said.
“To give comfort to the citizens, the officer has been suspended and we did the investigation ourselves,” said Weighill. “We've taken care of the issues that have to be taken care of for our police service.”
The charge is the first complaint Nelson has ever had laid against him.
He is scheduled to appear in Saskatoon provincial court Nov. 20.
Police are also investigating to determine if any breaches of discipline occurred.