SASKATOON -- Prince Albert residents unable to pay their property tax because of hardships encountered due to COVID-19 can apply to defer their payment until Sept. 30 instead of June 30.

City Council approved the COVID-19 Response Property Tax Deferral program on Wednesday. The city will also stop interest penalties overdue water bills until Sept. 30.

“The recent public health measures to shut down schools, public facilities, events and business in an effort to contain the COVID-19 virus has had a widespread impact on our community,” Mayor Greg Dionne said in a news release.

“We were able to take quick action in a number of areas including suspending water-shut offs for accounts in arrears, but there was a consensus among City Council that we could do more.”

Taxpayers must submit a form to the city by June 15 and meet the criteria for property tax deferral, either with employment loss or business hardship due to the pandemic. Declaration forms are on the City’s website.

Council also approved a motion to not shut off the water supply to residents that owe money to the city for delinquent utility accounts from now until Sept. 30, after a request from Prince Albert Grand Council.

“Access to water is absolutely vital in combatting this disease. Without it, our most vulnerable cannot access safe drinking water, or practice essential sanitation and hygiene measures, such as simply washing their hands. It is already uncertain times for our at-risk and vulnerable members and families living in the city, and this is the time we need to work together and ensure that all citizens have access to water no matter what the circumstances,” Grand Chief Brian Hardlotte said.

The city will also cease charging interest penalties on water accounts in arrears until Sept. 30. A letter indicating an account has gone unpaid will be mailed to residents with overdue payments.

To lessen the strain on city employees and the public, the city has stopped issuing parking tickets for expired metres or timed limitations in residential areas and stopped towing vehicles for unpaid parking violations.

March Transit passes are valid for the month of April.