SASKATOON -- City administration has drawn up options for a recycling and organics program for the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sector in Saskatoon.

The recommended option would require businesses to:

  • separate and label containers for recycling and garbage
  • use a separate container for organics if food or yard waste is generated
  • educate employees on how to properly sort and store materials
  • ensure removal and proper disposal of waste

This would cost the city an estimated $220,000 to $340,000 annually.

“A more comprehensive organics and recycling program is critical to achieving our waste diversion goals and extending the life of our landfill,” director of sustainability Jeanna South said in a news release.

The city says the ICI sector generates 68 per cent of all garbage sent to Saskatoon and area landfills – and 45 per cent is recyclable or organic material that could be diverted.

Two other options are also on the table. The second option would require participants to submit proof to the city they are using separate waste containers. A city report says that option could lead to slightly higher waste diversion because of the added verification. However, it says the difference is “not quantifiable.”

The estimated annual operating cost to the city would also be higher, pegged at between $490,000 and $620,000 per year.

A third option would require participants to have a waste diversion plan, provide annual education, and remove waste from their property as well as submit a summary of their plan on a form. However, it would not require separate containers for recycling and organics.

The options will be presented to the Standing Policy Committee of Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services.