SASKATOON -- Spring has sprung - and melting snow across the city is revealing brown grass and debris from a long winter.

It’s about time to start thinking about how to rejuvenate those lawns.

“People are starting to get excited about springtime and looking forward to a nice green yard, and getting outside,” said Weed Man owner Dwayne Nyholt.

“I would let it get a little bit warmer out before you start stirring it up too much,” said First Choice Lawn Care LTD. owner Nathan McFarland.

Here are five tips to refresh and reinvigorate your lawn, straight from lawn experts.

Remove any lingering snow and rake away mould and debris.

“Go to areas where it's not melting and drying up quick enough, then maybe shovel it off the lawn,” said Nyholt. “After it dries up a little bit, take your leaf rake, rake it up, fluff it up a little bit; this will help reduce all the snow mold on the lawn.

“You could hand rake it, we use power equipment of course,” said McFarland. “Just expose that soil underneath, and let the sun get down there.”

Cut grass short and remove dead grass

“Cut it down about three times, each time lower your more blade as low as you can without scalping the lawn,” said Nyholt. “This will clean up everything and all the debris on the lawn nicely, it will save you from having to do a vigorous raking on the lawn, and gets it ready for the springtime.”

Owner of Student Lawn Pros Nathan Groat says thatch can also be removed through power raking.

“If you get more than half an inch of dead grass buildup, it's good to look at dethatching or power raking your lawn to allow nutrients and water to reach the roots of your grass,” he said.

Aerate the lawn

“Especially if you have highly compacted grass from things like kids playing on your lawn or people walking over it,” said Groat. “This also helps to get water and nutrients to the soil.”

McFarland says you’ll want to make sure your lawn is thawed out for aeration.

“Looks like a big dog-party when you're done,” said Nyholt.

Be careful with fertilizer

“Probably the best way to do it is to call us,” said Nyholt. “But otherwise use a nice broadcast spreader, read the instructions and don't overdo it, and just apply it properly.”

“Usually at the beginning of May to mid May,” said Groat. “This helps give the lawn the nutrients it needs to wake up from the season. Always make sure that you follow the manufacturer's recommendation on fertilizer to make sure not to over-fertilize which can burn the lawn.”

McFarland recommends more fertilizer in the fall.

“I like to fertilize on the snow even, as late as possible, just to give it that extra kick in springtime,” he said.

Don’t be stingy with seeding

“Doing it in the spring is a really good time of year, if not also doing it at fall is another great time,” said Groat. “The seed is going to continue to grow, even if the lawn does freeze.”

“Pets destroy our lawns, that's for sure. I’ve got two dogs myself, and they create a lot of brown marks in your backyard,” said McFarland. “Add a little topping of soil, throw in some seed, and water as needed, usually once a day, it takes off and germinates quite quick.”

Nyholt also recommends overseeding in places where there was excess snow, snow mould, or salt damage.