Bill and Eleanor Edwards have deep roots in Saskatoon and the province, and are known for their generosity and sense of community. That's why the couple was honoured Friday afternoon with the joint title of CTV's 2011 Citizen of the Year.

Both Bill and Eleanor were both and raised in Saskatoon, where they were married in the early 1970s. Since then, they've contributed to the city in many ways through not only their businesses, but by volunteering their time to various groups and organizations.

Bill says the award is unexpected. "It's quite overwhelming, I'd have to say. And all the nice comments that people said, and had to say about us, it was just amazing."

While raising two children, the Edwards owned two businesses in Saskatoon, including the Saskatoon Funeral Home.

They also created bereavement support organizations, such as the Walk of Memories, Children and Grief, and Motherless Daughters.

Along with CTV, dozens of residents attended the ceremony honouring the couple. "When you look out and you see those faces at the luncheon here today, and to know what they've done, and the contributions that they've been making, as much or more than we do, it really is humbling to take this honour and to receive it," says Bill.

Saskatoon residents may have seen Bill out in the community coaching various sports teams, or perhaps saw Eleanor in action volunteering with organizations such as Meals on Wheels.

But Bill says that work is just part of being involved in the community. "Roll up your sleeves. Join some groups. Get involved and pitch in."