SASKATOON -- The Kistahpinanihk Paddling Club of Prince Albert is operating in 2020 with COVID-19 precautions and is taking new members.
Program co-ordinator Dwight Bergstrom said they can safely host padding exercises and instruction clinics within the parameters within the Saskatchewan Health Authority guidelines.
“We feel that distancing is pretty easy in the sport of canoe or kayak. You are either paddling by yourself in a canoe. If there's two people there's more than 6 feet of distance between two people and outside now with proper spacing there can be up to 30 people,” said Bergstrom.
A handful of volunteers placed about 100 feet of wooden dock into the water on Monday with the use of a crane truck. The dock is in the North Saskatchewan River in front of the club’s boat house by the city’s water treatment plant.
“We have both canoe and kayak paddling and a membership would allow you access to our equipment is included in your membership. We have a dock here that we're just putting into the river today.” Bergstrom said.
Youth can join the club and attend paddling events when accompanied by an adult. Special programming geared at youth will be offered.
To get more young people participating in the sport, the club also works with a few local youth organizations and Prince Albert Grand Council to help youth improve their skills.
The club has a Facebook page where people can learn more about the club and memberships. The public can also get membership applications at the Fresh Air Experience outdoors store in Prince Albert.