A Friday night storm ripped through some Saskatchewan campgrounds on Friday night.

Campers at Emma Lake, Murray Point and Morin Lake Regional Park awoke to destruction around their campgrounds. Thunder, heavy rain and intense plough winds made up the storm, with some uprooting trees that landedon trailers with people inside.

Terri Bjarnason and her family were inside, when a tree fell on their camper.

"It was really scary to see where exactly the tree fell compared to where I had been sitting. It's right on the window where I had been looking out," said Bjarnason.

Bjarnason and her husband grabbed their kids and ran across to a nearby campsite. She suffered some bruises and scrapes, but her husband and kids were lucky to come out without a scratch.

“It’s honestly such a miracle nobody is dead around here,” said Bjarnason.

The Lakeland Fire Department says they received several calls at the Murray Point Campground. One involving a person trapped in a camper, along with six more entrapments. The guests only received minor injuries and are all accounted for.

Based on a report by Moses Woldu.