Carol King’s sister Brenda said Carol was being harassed by the man accused of killing her to the point she was afraid and filed a police report.

Brenda said she visited Carol in July 2011 – the month before Carol’s death – and recalled a series of incidents she says involved Joseph "David" Caissie harassing and scaring the two women.

Caissie parked his truck in bushes, turned off the headlights and lurked around Carol’s property with a flashlight for about two hours, Brenda said. She also recalled Caissie driving slowly past Carol’s house multiple times in an hour and following the two women in his vehicle.

“Everywhere we went he was behind us within five minutes,” she said from Dartmouth, NS.

She also said one morning during her visit at 7:30 a.m. Caissie was banging on Carol’s door, yelling and calling her names.

“(Caissie) told her that this is his property and he can come on it whenever he felt like it,” Brenda said.

Earlier in her visit, Carol received a letter from Caissie’s lawyer stating he put a lien on her home and he is entitled to half of it, according to Brenda. Caissie was an ex-boyfriend and ex-business partner of Carol’s, court heard.

Under cross-examination Brenda said Carol told her she and Caissie didn’t live together in the home and there was no evidence of him living there.

Brenda also said she and Carol putting a lock on a Quonset where Carol parked her car and putting garbage bags up on the windows so Caissie didn’t know when she was home. Caissie cut that lock and replaced it with one of his own, according to Brenda.

“After he started coming around the house and stuff she was getting afraid and that’s why we called the police,” Brenda said.

Caissie is charged with first-degree murder in Carol’s death. Carol disappeared on Aug. 6, 2011 near Herschel. Her car was found days later in a slough and her remains found a couple weeks after.

Brenda’s testimony is part of a voir dire; lawyers argue whether the evidence will be admissible in trial. A judge will also decide if Caissie’s confession to killing Carol will be allowed in trial. Caissie told undercover police officers he grabbed Carol from a Quonset on her property, took her to a treed area where he stabbed her and left her body.

Brenda testified Carol was planning to move back to her home on the east coast the November after she died.