For some farmers in east-central Saskatchewan, the term spring flooding could be considered an understatement. While water has receded for some, farmers in the Quill Lakes area are watching the water come closer to their homes and wash away their livelihoods.

As this happens year after year, many farmers see more of their land under water due to the drainage pattern of the area.

Ray Laybourne and his son farm 7,500 acres of land – 2,000 of which are under water.

"There are a lot of us out there that are stressed big time over all of this. We'd like to see something done,” Laybourne said. “Even if they can't do something right this minute, but something to look forward to down the line.”

With no compensation and no government plan to stop the flood, he said the family feels helpless.

With water rising at a steady rate, locals worry it's a matter of time before an uncontrolled flood breaks through.